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 صفحه شخصی احمد زاهدی   
نام و نام خانوادگی: احمد زاهدی
استان: اصفهان - شهرستان: اصفهان
رشته: عمران
تاریخ عضویت:  1388/12/08
 روزنوشت ها    

 پاییز زیبا در میشیگان بخش عمومی


The Law Quad as seen from the Ross School of Business.

Church steeples downtown.

The Diag from above.

Looking towards town from the Ross School of Business.

From any tall spot downtown you’ll see a distant ring of trees surrounding the city.

School of Public Policy from the Ross School of Business.

The Huron River as seen from Huron Towers (Thanks Kai).

Tappan Street from the Grad Library.

Part of the Law Quad.

The Law Quad as seen from the Ross School of Business.

A church steeple downtown.

Washington Street .

Distant houses as seen from the top of the Washington Street parking structure.

Tappan Street from the Grad Library.

The Cube.

Fall leaves.

Golden street near Burns Park .

The Law Quad.

Colorful walkway.

A bright tree near the Law Quad.

Trees along the river near Dexter.

Leaves floating in the river.

The Huron River as seen from Huron Towers (Thanks Kai).

A tree and it’s leaves.

شنبه 8 آبان 1389 ساعت 07:10  

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